Starship Troopers Wiki
Starship Troopers Wiki

Elmo Goniff was a soldier in the Mobile Infantry.


After being crippled in battle, he was medically discharged and became leader of a peace movement in the Outer Colonies. He was eventually blamed for a staged terrorist attack on the Federal Council, which was believe to have claimed the life of Sky Marshal Omar Anoke, and was hung with 51 of his closest friends. His last words (shown on FedNet as he was being dragged to the gallows) were:

"They may silence us, but they can't silence you! Fuck the Federation and fuck all of you! You will not take away our voice! You will not take away our power! You will not take us! Fuck you! Fuck you all! Fuck the Federation!"
—Elmo Goniff before his death[src]

While FedNet cut away before he was hanged, it is presumed he continued cursing the Federation until his very last breath.




